Saturday, November 5, 2011

Special Blog for Joleigh (Part II)

Joleigh, you are such a smart little girl!  You're RIGHT!  They put this tube into the ice so people can go underwater and see what's down there!  It's not a very big tube, so it is a very, very tight fit to go down inside!

Grey, you asked if I was going to go down inside?  I did! 

I didn't take these next pictures, but this is what the Observation Tube and the sea ice looks like from underwater!  (You kids will get to see what I saw, but you'll have to wait until my video comes in the mail!)

Looking back up from inside.

I have a couple of questions for you, Joleigh Button (maybe Grey and Mommy would like to guess, too!):

Antarctica is a very, very cold place!  Do you think it's colder above the ice, or in the water underneath?

How do you think the divers stay warm in the water?

1 comment:

  1. Dang. Joleigh and I wrote a comment on here the other day. I dont know why its not here. Anyway, she said she thought the dark blue was the coldest and that the divers wear gloves to stay warm.
    Grey thinks under water is the coldest. And the divers have to wear special swimming suits to stay warm.
