Friday, September 30, 2011

Daddy's Waffles

Good Morning Daddy! 
I was doing fine and I made waffles - the waffles that you usually make!
I love you!

Thank you for the video - it was good to see you Daddy!  We love you and miss you!  We want to see pictures of the airplanes - have fun at the airshow!
(We will respond to the shark test later when we have time to write)

Monday, September 26, 2011

I like your shark test.  Let me see how many of these I can get right...

1)  I think the answer may be D - 1500.  I know that there's a LOT of different kinds of sharks!
3)  I think the answer is D again.  Lemon sharks by nature are pretty docile (gentle).  But they like to lie around the bottom of the sea floor, and people can accidently step on them or kick them when they are swimming or playing in shallow water.  That's when the lemon sharks react by biting.
4)  Either A or B.  Sharks never stop swimming.  If they do, they'll sink and even drown!  Maybe they can doze for a little bit while they're swimming, so maybe B. 
5)  In the natural world, dolphins are the greatest threat to sharks, and they will actually attack them.  Dolphins don't bite sharks, they butt them with their heads really hard.  (I suppose the peace-niks will say that people are the greatest threat to sharks, though...)

The school that I'm at doesn't have a name.  But we are in the USAP hanger at the Christchurch airport.  It's right across the street from the International Antarctic Centre.  My hotel is the Aiport Gateway Hotel.  It's right down Memorial Avenue from the airport about a mile or two, then around the corner.  Maybe you can find it on Google Earth, too!!  My room is in the building at the very end of the parking lot, the second from the right, on the second floor.   :-)

Shark Test?

I love you!  I want you to know that I got my hands wet first before I got soap on my hands.

Thank you for giving us inforamtaion about sharks - thats neat that sharks are isotonic.  I want to give you a shark test - do you know the answers?

1.How many differednt species of shark exitst today? a) 40 b)150 c) 400 d) 1500

2.What is the best way to avoid a shark attack?
a) Dont go swimming if youre bleeding.
b) Stay out of waters where sharks are known to swim.
c) Never tock a shark, even if it looks injured.
d) All of the above.

3.  Which of these sharks is most dangerous to humans?
a) Hammerhead shark
b) Great white shark
c) Porbeagle shark
d)Lemon shark

4. According to scientists, for how many ours a day are sharks totally asleep?

5. Which of the following poses the biggest danger to sharks?
a)killer whales
b) other sharks
c) humans
d) dolphins

We looked at New Zealand on Google Map.  We found Christchurch!  What is the name of your school?  We want to find it on the map!!!

We love you Daddy! 
Love , Grey and Joleigh
Hey, Kids!

I miss you a whole bunch!

I am in a country called New Zealand right now.  It's on the other side of the world!  It is a very pretty country and the people here are all very nice.  Maybe someday we can all come down here together as a family.  You would really like it!

But we have to be very careful when we cross the street.  We can't look left, then right, for cars coming.  We have to look right first, and THEN left, because everyone drives on the "wrong" side of the road here!

I really liked the videos you made for me - it was fun to see you again! :-)   I like what you are learning about sharks, Grey.  They are very special animals.  I know something about them, too!  Sharks are "isotonic".  (Grey, tell Mommy not to roll her eyes at me!)  Isotonic means that their bodies have the same amount of salt inside of them as the saltwater that they live in.  What that means for them, is, that they their skin doesn't get all wrinkly like yours does when you've been in the bathtub for a long time!  Can you imagine how silly a shark would look if he had all wrinkly skin from being in his water for too long?!  That'd be funny, huh?

I have to go to school now, but when I come back I'll try to send you some pictures that I took.  I think you will really like them!

I love you all very, very much!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Video Message

Hi Daddy! We are thinking about you!  We love you very much!
Love Grey and Joleigh


Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Adventure

Daddy has been given an amazing opportunity to travel to Antarctica for almost 6 months! Although we will miss him very very much, we pray for safe travels and an amazing experience!
So we can communicate with him regularly, I have created this family blog so the kids can read his messages from him immediately! We can't wait to read his stories and will look forward to reading each and every word! We love you Daddy!