Wednesday morning, I stepped out of my dormitory to go to the post office. A front had blown through the day before and it was a cold, cold, misty morning. I glanced over my shoulder and guess what I saw?
What do you see in the picture, kids? |
A very special ship! This kind of ship is called an Icebreaker! |
What do you think an ice breaker ship does? Do you see any clues in the picture? |
This ship sailed all the way down from a country far, far north of here - on the very northern part of the world! The country this ship came from is called Russia. This ship has a name, too! It's the Vladmir Ignatyuk. |
He's breaking up the ice in McMurdo Sound into lots of little pieces! How do you think he does that? |
He is the farthest-south boat in the entire world! Why do you think he's breaking up the ice for us? |
Can you see where the ice breaker went through? |
The mountains are very pretty, aren't they? |
The blocks of ice floating in the water are called icebergs. Do you think icebergs float mostly on top of the water? Or underneath? |
THIS is why the icebreaker came to help us! He made a special passage through the thick ice so this big, BIG ship can come in! What kind of ship is this one called? What do you think he may be carrying? |
It is a very big ship, isn't it? But his anchors aren't in the water! How do you think he keeps from floating away? |
That's right! Very big ROPES!! These ropes are place around very strong posts, called "bollards". |
This ship is so big, it carries it's own smaller boats with it! |
What do you think these smaller boats are for? |
Can you find the ice breaker in this picture? |